What can I do if my order has been shipped but not yet delivered?

If your shipment is still in transit and has not been delivered on the originally scheduled date, in our experience, most shipments usually arrive 2 or 3 days after this date.

We recommend that you wait this additional time to receive your order. If you do not receive your package, we will be happy to assist you through our customer service.

It is important to consider that for deliveries to remote towns, third-party partners may be used to ensure the arrival of your orders. Although this may take a little longer, we work diligently to ensure the safe and efficient delivery of your shipments.

We appreciate your patience and trust in our service as we extend our delivery network to reach remote locations.

Do you need more help?

Get in contact with us

Service and customer support


Commercial consultations, relations, press and media


Follow us on our social networks

Facebook: @gigglinofficial

Instagram: @gigglinofficial

YouTube: @gigglinofficial

TikTok: @gigglinofficial


  • Lázaro Cárdenas 1007 Residencial Santa Barbara, 66266 San Pedro Garza García Nuevo León, Mexico.
  • Av. Boulevard Díaz Ordaz 123, Corporativo Santa María Torre 2 Piso 4 64650, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.

*Giggling is an online business developed, managed and operated by Lavoig.net